Our Sustainability Report 2020 is here!

For the second time, we as the Jebsen & Jessen Hamburg Group have published a sustainability report. In it, we inform you about our values, standards, our vision and our short- and long-term goals.
The report examines and documents our responsible handling of key economic, environmental and social practices and their impact on the company and our stakeholders in the calendar and financial year 2020. Since the 18th of December 2019, we have been verifying these annually to ensure that our stakeholders and the interested public as well as potential applicants have an even more transparent insight into our corporate responsibility.
“Sustainability remains a primary task of our business activities. We live our social and ecological values, anchored in the culture and philosophy of our globally active, family-run group of companies, and we continue our mission to continuously develop the anchoring of sustainable thinking and acting.”
In addition to our 2020 efforts, the report also covers our year-on-year developments, current practices and future economic, environmental and social ambitions of our business units.
Under the leadership of the United Nations Global Compact, we believe we can implement innovations sustainably and responsibly. The United Nations Global Compact is a compact between the United Nations and member companies. Its purpose is to support companies in their process of becoming more sustainable economically, ecologically and socially. This year, we will continue to report on our sustained progress in our activities and to follow and implement the vision of the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles on Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Prevention of Corruption.
In this way, we hope to inspire and motivate our stakeholders to question and constantly improve their own impact on economic, environmental and social factors.
The report is available digitally in both English and German versions.
We wish you a lot of fun reading!
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