"Recognised Good Trainer 2024/2025"

For the fourth time in a row, we have been awarded the “Anerkannt Guter Ausbilder 2024/2025” (Recognised Good Trainer) certificate. On 31 January, Volker Tschirch and Janis Wemhöner from “AGA Unternehmensverband” presented the results of the renewed survey and the recommendations of the certification body. They handed over the trophy and certificate to the management and those responsible for training. Our trainees and dual students particularly emphasised the excellent working atmosphere, the very high level of competence of the trainers, and the respectful interaction. As a family business, it is particularly important to us…
…to ensure personal, authentic interaction with one another!
…to understand and support each other and to give room for individuality!
…to promote flexible career opportunities!
We are delighted to have been honoured once again and continue to set ourselves the goal of being a “Recognised Good Trainer” for our #nextgeneration at Jebsen & Jessen Hamburg Group.