New honorary mandate for Fritz von der Schulenburg

On February 01, 2023, Fritz Graf von der Schulenburg will be appointed as an expert to the Interministerial Committee for Export Credit Guarantees.
The Interministerial Commitee is an important instrument of the federal government for promoting the German export industry. In his function as an advisory member of this board, Mr. von der Schulenburg will provide advice in an honorary capacity on major export projects in the interest of the German economy and the respective ministries as of his first meeting on February 16, 2023.
The Interministerial Commitee consists of representatives of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Federal Ministry of Finance, Federal Foreign Office and Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The four Interministerial Committee departments are advised by experts from fields of industry, banking, trade, and the mandatary Euler Hermes. Fritz von der Schulenburg is the only member representing foreign trade.
Federal export credit guarantees (termed “Hermes coverages”) protect exporters and banks against economically and politically induced payment defaults. The German government places great importance on using the committee to ensure the export credit guarantees´ effectiveness while adapting the instrument to the changing needs of the German export industry.
Due to our global export business, we as Jebsen & Jessen Hamburg Group have been working with export credit guarantees from the German government for decades.